Free Candle Making Mini course- By: Margot Oliver

Description : Candle Safety Tips

Put candles in sturdy metal, glass, or ceramic holders.
Avoid using lighted candles.
If you do use candles, ensure they are in sturdy metal, glass or ceramic holders and placed where they cannot be easily knocked down.
Keep candles out of the reach of children and pets.
Set a good example by using matches, lighters, and fire carefully.
Children should never be allowed to play with matches, lighters, or candles.
Never put candles on a Christmas tree.
Extinguish candles after use and before going to bed.
And NEVER leave burning candles unattended

Candle Making tips,Techniques and troubleshooting

The basic candle making techniques are same for all kinds of candles, be it the regular or the decorative ones. The difference remains in the ingredients and the designs. When it comes to fun ideas for candle making, kids always give the best suggestions. So make sure you involve your child while exploring creative candle making ideas.
Making candles can be great fun. It is very exciting to decide what type of candle to make and getting your supplies. However, some individuals quickly become disappointed and frustrated with the process and give up. There are some common problems that beginners experience with candle making. Most of them have quick and easy solutions. It is recommended that all beginners start with the basic candle making process. This gives you the opportunity to learn the basics, then you can move on to making the types of candles you really want to.

One secret to making great candles is to use quality products. In general, candle making supplies are inexpensive. If the wax you purchase is of poor quality, then it is never going to make quality candles. Heating the wax to the proper temperature is very important. The temperature will change depending on the type of candle you are making with it. If the wax isn’t hot enough it won’t form correctly. Likewise, wax that is too hot will lose luster and won’t be as sturdy once it cools.

Have you every made a beautiful candle, but when you lit it the room filled with smoke rather than the fragrance of the candle? This problem has to do with your wick, it is too long. Simply cut them shorter for future candles. You can snip the tips of the candles you have already created and this should remedy the situation.

Some candles burn and smell great, but they look ugly after a few uses with a crater in the middle of the candle while the edges of the candle jar haven’t even been touched. This is the result of a wick that isn’t wide enough. There isn’t much you can do for candles you have already made except melt the wax in them and start over. You can purchase a wider wick or braid three together to get a good thickness. The wider the candle jar, the wider you need your wick to be for the candle to burn evenly.

Cooling candles is an area of trouble for many beginners. Don’t rush the cooling process or you will damage the hardness of the candle. Forcing the candle to cool will also result in bubbles forming in the top and middle of the candle. While it won’t be a physical defect, the melting wax will go into these bubbles when you have the candle lit resulting in the wick going out. Candles should be allowed to cool in an area where they won’t be moved until completely cool. The area needs to be flat and out of direct sunlight. You will also want to make sure there aren’t any heating or cooling vents in the cooling area.

If you notice that your cooled candle isn’t as appealing as you’d like because the wax pulled away from the glass jar in some areas, try heating your jars in the microwave for a minute or two right before you fill them. This will help the wax adhere to it correctly with a very smooth look all the way around the jar.

It is important to remember that candle making involves some basic concepts. It will take a few tries to complete the steps properly, but give it some time. You will have to experiment to find the methods that work best in your work environment to make the candles you want. It is suggested that you only make a few candles at a time to keep from wasting money on supplies while you are learning. Make sure the finished product doesn’t have any burning issues with the wick or bubbles. If it does, simply melt the wax again and try it once more. Once you have mastered the basics of candle making, you can experiment with different types of candles. The internet is a great place to find candle making tips as well as troubleshooting for your candle making problems.

Candle making wax

Today, with the growing popularity of candle making, candle making wax has made strides to become better, more available, and with more diversity then before. People are constantly looking for the new thing and since wax is the main component in candle making, the changes have been there.

Most of the wax used in candles today is refined from petroleum like paraffin wax. This is the type of wax that is in most candles. Paraffin wax is readily available and inexpensive. Other types of waxes are natural and refined from vegetable or plant materials like soy, palm, or bayberry. A natural wax growing in popularity is soy based wax. It is processed by hydrogenating soybeans which makes them suitable for candles. Soy wax is a renewable resource that is eco-friendly.

The Secrets To Successful Candle Making

Gel Candle Making Ideas

Required Supplies: Gel, deep coloring dye, zinc wick, glue, fragrant oils, embeds (optional), stainless steel pot and candle container (champagne glass).
Steps for Making Gel Candles
•First of all, take the container and attach the zinc wick at the bottom by using a small amount of warm glue.
•Pull the wick up and roll it on a stick or a pencil to keep it straight.
•Make smaller pieces of the gel and melt them in a stainless steel container over a medium flame (about 200 degrees Fahrenheit).
•After the gel liquefies, add coloring dye to it in small amounts, until you get the desired gel color.
•For using embeds, light gel color is preferable to make them more noticeable.
•The next step in making gel candles is to add fragrance; you can use ½ teaspoon per glass of melted gel.
•Preheat the oven and warm the candle container to about 150 degrees Fahrenheit.
•For using embeds, dip them in hot gel first and arrange along the sides of the champagne glass.
•Pour the gel in the container while it is still hot, so as to minimize bubble formation.
•Allow the gel to cool down and trim the excess wick.
•Light the unique gel candles and have fun. Read more on how to make gel candles and making fruit gel candles.
With so many different kinds of wax available, candle maker are able to pick the type that works best for them. When a candle maker is able to understand each kind of wax, they are able to fully experience every inch of the candle making market and get double, triple or even quadruple the fulfillment.

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